Welcome to The William J Clinton Leadership Institute
We deliver impactful executive education programmes designed to develop your leadership identity, transform your performance and give you the competitive edge. Our range of short courses, open and custom programmes synergise the rich academic foundation of Queen's Business School, Queen's University research and industry insights. Join us and shape your leadership identity.

"It will prepare future business leaders for a time that requires economic innovation and, in the process, will demonstrate the determination of Queen's in Northern Ireland to seize the opportunities that peace has made possible," William J. Clinton

Increasingly, organisations are seeking to develop business programmes that are tailored to meet their specific needs. We will work with you to understand your needs and strategic business objectives to design a programme that addresses them at an individual and organisational level and delivers tangible business benefit.
Custom ProgrammesContact Us
The William J Clinton Leadership Institute
Queen's University Belfast
Riddel Hall
185 Stranmillis Road
Northern Ireland
Tel: +44 (0) 28 9097 4665
Email: leadershipinstitute@qub.ac.uk